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بررسی و مقایسه صفات کمی و کیفی ارقام محلی انگورهای مشکین شهر

عنوان مقاله: بررسی و مقایسه صفات کمی و کیفی ارقام محلی انگورهای مشکین شهر
شناسه ملی مقاله: R-1070800
منتشر شده در سازمان تحقیقات، آموزش و ترویج کشاورزی در سال 1384
مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله:

حسین کربلائی خیاوی
قلی حاج قلیزاده
غلامعلی امامی
ناصر نعلبندی

خلاصه مقاله:
In order to selection of the best cv.of grapewith high quality,quantity and resistant to powdry mildew 12 varietias were evaluated by RCBDdesign with 3replicatian.the experiment were done for 5 years. From 1998 t02003 the length and diameter of canes and infection powdery mildew were evaluatedand from 2001 t02003 the percent of berry formation ,berry size,size of c luster, length and weight of cluster Tss,acidity,dry matter and yeild for each cultivar separatly were measured. Results showed that "Agh shelig", "Aldarag", and "Shahani,,'cultivars have the talIest and "Rasmi", "Sairak posteh" cultivars have the shortest canes. . Infonnation of cultivars to powedery mildew in2003 ,2002and 1998were the highest and lowest respectively. . "Rasmi"and "shahani" cultivarshad the highest infection and "tabriz keshmeshi" "kopakbogan" "tokilgan" and "keshmeshi" cV.had the lowest infection. "keshmeshi" cv .had the highest yeild with 7.9 ton /ha and "khalili", "aghshilig" "seirak poosteh" had the lowest yeild with 5.057, 5.144 and 5.231 ton/ha. "Keshmeshi"cultivar had the biggest cluster with 127.7 cm2 and "Tokilghan" , "Sairak posteh" had the smalIest claster with 65.44 and 64.56 cm2 respectivily. "Garashelig" and "Keshmeshi" cuItivars had the weightest and "Khalilj" cultivars the lightest cluster. "Keshmeshi" cultivar had the highest Tss (23.7%) and "Tabriz keshmeshi", "Sairak posteh" had the lowest tss(l7.64, 17.80%). "Shahani"and "Agh shelig"had the highest acidity (7.47,7.20 g/Iit) and"kopakbogan","Keshmeshi" had the lowest acidity(4.20,4.25g/lit). "Keshmeshi"and "Gara shelig cultivars had the highest dry matter(204.2, 176.6g/lit)and "Khalili", "sairak posteh"had the lowest dry matter with 146.7, 148.3g/lit respectivly. "Keshmeshi cV.had the biggest berry and "Tabriz keshmeshi"," Agh shelig"cultivars had the smallest berries

کلمات کلیدی:
انگور,مشکین شهر,ارقام انگور محلی,سفیدک سطحی,منطقه گرمسیری,منطقه نیمه گرمسیری,رقم کشمشی,رقم قره شیلیق,رقم خلیلی,رقم سیرک پوسته,رقم آلدرق,رقم شاهانی,رقم کوپک بوغان

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