بازخوانی شیوه‌های فهم بستر تاریخی کلام امام علی(ع) در نهج البلاغه مطالعة موردی: شروح ابن ابی الحدید، ابن میثم، میرزا حبیب خویی، شوشتری و مغنیه

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: فارسی
مشاهده: 228

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 آذر 1399

چکیده مقاله:

The correct understanding of the words of the Commanders of the Faithful depends on finding the tools and preparations to enter it, which requires correct and worthy accuracy. Using this tool to explain the text of Nahdj al-Balaghah can have a decisive contribution so that the words of Imam Ali (AS) are correctly explained and interpreted superiorly. Mastering the source and document, knowing the space and geography of speech, stating the reason for issuing, trying to find the date of speech, identifying the audience and various characters, as well as presenting the general topics and goals of speech, are the most important tools that commentators have considered to date. To make the Imam's words sit well in his place. Of course, sometimes when the same tools are placed next to the assumptions and beliefs of some commentators, we are faced with the opposite result. Shoushtari and Mughniyeh pay attention in this field; if there is a lack of concern to the aforementioned elements, correct it while noting. The findings show that due to the textual and formal structure of Nahdj al-Balaghah, it is not possible to understand the text of Nahdj al-Balaghah without any preliminaries, and these commentators have sometimes neglected these elements, thus they have provided the conditions for misconceptions of Imam's words.


محسن رفعت

استادیار و عضو هیات علمی گروه علوم قرآن و حدیث دانشگاه حضرت معصومه سلام الله علیها قم، ایران

بشیر سلیمی

دکترای علوم قرآن وحدیث، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی کرج، گروه معارف اسلامی